Sunday, April 26, 2009



Sometimes expressive, sometimes meaningless tools of communication, we use them as if we own them. Do we really? Or do they own us?

Are we really in commnad of our lives because we have them? Or is it our inability to find the proper ones many times that complicate our lives?

I find, for me, that the words are just that, words. It's the feelings involved surrounding them that trip me up. I find feelings so much more difficult to define. After all, we have Webster to find definitions of words. But where is the dictionary for feelings?

One feeling hides behind another until the original one is lost in some massive feelings traffic jam. And then I'm left confused as the words, all the words I've ever known, hover and swirl in a deadly spiral whisking me away and making me feel as though I might want to change my name to Dorothy.

And then I land with a houseful of feelings on top of me and realize... ooops, I may want to rethink that name change.

Words... More often than not lately, I am left speechless. That's not easy to imagine if you know me. I was so painfully shy for so very long. And then one day (it seemed like overnight) I began talking and I haven't stopped since. I empathize with those around me many times. I have come to notice there are those times when I wish I would stay quiet and just listen more. But do I do that? Nooooooooo! What to do, what do to....

And then I find myself opening an email. And inside is the most loving expression of words I have ever read. And I am speechless and tearful. I hope some day I can find words like this to move people to the brink of tears. I would then truly know the power in those illusive things we call words. Enjoy. I certainly did.