Wednesday, April 29, 2009


"Fences make good neighbors," my mother would say. I could never figure that out. And then she'd lean on the fence and talk with the neighbor. It made no sense to me to have one to begin with.

And then came the day when there was an argument and the six-foot stockade fence went up in between and the line of demarcation had been drawn. I think if it had been a physical possibility, a stone structure would have stood in place of it to further solidify the separation.

As the years have passed I have come to the conclusion that walls and fences only only signify the inner boundaries which have been violated. They bring a sense of safety and security to those who erect them. And yet with a fence as simple as barbed wire nearly invisible to the eye, most times you will find someone snip, snip, snipping away at it with wire cutters. Why are some people that determined to not listen? What motivates a person to violate a boundary that has been established?

I suppose we would have to consult the Freudians and Jungians amongst us to discover the multitude of reasons for that. But would that give any credence to the behaviour of those unwilling to listen? After all, people create walls for a reason. I have always thought it was either to keep other people out or sometimes to provide a safe haven in which one could breathe freely. I am sure both of these reasons have been adopted by many.

There is nothing like a wall that says "Keep Out!" When the walls are recognized and respected, it can certainly allow the individual to live in an unfettered fashion.

Yet sometimes the walls we set up can turn on us and become prisons of our own making. They can work too well inspired by countless efforts at trying to communicate boundaries only to be insolently ignored.

Recently I read something which has changed my whole perspective on walls, their beginnings, their ends and their usage. It will forever change the landscape of both my outer life and my inner life. Sometimes concepts can be so valuable in their simplicity.

It read, "I didn't create the walls to keep anyone out. I created them to see who would care enough to scale them."

I had to look at my own walls. I had to discover the reasons for having them. Was I hiding from the world? Was it such a hurtful place that I couldn't even allow the goodness through? Many hard questions needed answers. Many walls came tumbling down.

I look back now over the landscape of my life. I see where the walls were and the reasons they were there. Some were necessary. Many weren't. My shortsightedness failed me many times. If I was hiding, I know now that I was so very well hidden. The only problem with that is when I looked out, all I could see was the walls too. It made for a lonely existence for a long time.

Now as I venture outward, I see rolling fields and grasses, flowers and streams, and off in the distance are the mountains. What a lovely sight!

I am only left wondering one thing. How did we get from fences....

To this????

Number Please

After a friend finally got through on my line, I discovered the reason I had been getting no messages. It seems my voice mail was not working properly. It would not allow her to leave a message.

After a brief conversation, I decided to venture into 'Telephoneland." But I was not going in unarmed. No, Sir! I don't mean with information or documentation or anything like that. When you present them with that all you ever hear is, "We're so sorry that happened. Thank for calling US (instead of some other more competent telephone service) today."

*** Note to self: Is there really such a thing?

When I say armed I mean with all those things to keep you busy while they have you on terminal hold. Let's see... a nice cold Coke, a bag of chips, cigarettes, pen and paper in case there is some vital number that's required for me to jot down, and game site up on the computer screen to alleviate the boredom. Oops, one more trip to the bathroom (it might be a while). And oh my... almost forgot the phone.

There! All settled in all comfy and cozy. Jeez looeez, didn't get the number. Up again now... aha, got it! And now for the phone company's quarterly dose of torture. They can't touch me this time. I'm prepared. Hahaha

I dial. It rings. And the usual happens. "Your call is important to us...." But not important enough for a real live human being to take it. But they "...are busy assisting other customers." Lucky them, their torture is nearly complete.

I light up a cigarette. I may as well enjoy this wait. I'm puffing away and that wonderful computer generated voice is still yakking away, nearly apologetic, if it had any feelings at all.

I reach for the chips. Something has to give me comfort. Oh my God, I love BBQ chips. I'm chomping away when I hear a real voice say, "Could I please have the number you are calling about." At the exact same instant, because I am in absolute shock that I didn't have to wait half an hour, I inhaled a microscopic iota of the chip family and began choking uncontrollably.

The person is asking if I am all right but I can do nothing but choke for that moment in time. My thoughts tell me I must be a brilliant purple by now. And then she says something very comforting. "I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here with you."

I was stunned to say the least. A caring person at the phone company? Wow! But that one sentence seemed to draw me back into some sort of reality. I reached for the soft drink. Maybe I could wash it down. I doubted it, but nevertheless I felt calmer. One very huge last cough would prove to be the expeller of that radical chip fragment, and once again I could breathe.

Within just a couple of minutes I was able to talk and get my point across able to breathe freely once again. "You scared me," she said. I laughed out loud. "It wouldn't have happened if you hadn't scared me to begin with," I kidded her. "I thought I had another 25 minutes before anyone would come on the line." We both laughed a sigh of relief.

My problem was fixed within minutes. And she asked if there was anything else she could help me with today. I assured her... "No, thank you, you've done enough already."

The Gold Standard

America used to be the 'gold standard' which the rest of the world looked to to measure their own value and worth. What happened?

We may not have had the best of experiences or material world, but hey, we had our standards. What happened?

The gross lack of standards can be seen in wide disarray (not to be confused with Desiree: that's for another blog) from the TV in your living room all the way to the White House. Not only what happened, but when?

When did we as a nation stop caring about the standards by which we lived for so long? When did it become all right to lie, cheat and steal... oh yes, and to get away with it? When exactly did we throw out our Gold Standard and begin to progress to Third World status. Because that's where we're heading... and fast.

I wonder...

Was it around the time when we were no longer named the United States of America? You know when that was. It's when being American was no longer good enough. It's when we had to break ourselves apart from this great land and become hyphenated Americans.

It is written that to vanquish a land such as ours, one only need divide and conquer. Who will triumph over us as we sit idly by eating our pizzas, chasing the dollar and playing video games? Who's minding the store?

No, gold can't tarnish... but it can be stolen. What happened to yours?

Things That Make You Go Hmmm

mir'-a-cle: An event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God.

Friends of mine say, "Expect a miracle." Do miracles even exist? Have you ever experienced one? You are probably searching your inner files right now, aren't you?

I am hoping you have come up with more than just one, for miracles surround us each and every day. Most times we don't see them because we aren't looking for them. But just because we deny them, doesn't mean they don't exist.

For example, let's say you have a cold. Your eyes are watery, your nose is leaking like a faucet and you are coughing as if you may never stop. Oh yeah, you got a cold all right! But let's imagine for a moment that you tell yourself you don't have one. Does that make your cold any less real? Of course not.

Miracles work the same way. We may not see or acknowledge them, but make no mistake, they are real and they happen daily. Our problem as humans is that we expect a grand spectacle. Most of us would define a miracle in that way. But more often than not, miracles are simply those unexplainable things that make you go hmmmm.

You hold a seed in your hand and you plant it in the ground. You water it and give it light. The next thing you know green shoots are sprouting up and soon there are flower buds forming on the ends. They may be decorative flowers or they may be the kind that fall off and are replaced by fruits or vegetables... our very sustenance. And it all came from that tiny seed. How did that happen? I'm sure I can't explain it. Can you?

To see a river flow endlessly to the sea, or watch a bird in flight. To hold a newborn in your arms and feel as though you have been touched by the hand of God Himself is most wondrous and awe-inspiring. To look into the eyes of your loved ones and see the love they have for you. Ah yes, miracles abound.

That's right, they happen... not to the elite, or the few, but to everyone; everyone who looks for them, that is. They make us know that our world is a good place. They keep us grateful in the harder times. They are the little giant things that stir the soul. Truly, they make us whole.

So as you venture out today... Expect a miracle! They are everywhere, ripe for the picking.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Porch Swings

I love lazy summer days, lemonade and porch swings.

What a soothing feeling it is to swing. The toes barely move but are all that's needed to perpetuate the momentum. Back and forth I swing reminded of something long ago. Back and forth, and I drift...

A faint breeze skips over the water and I can hear the ripples lap up against the side of the boat. The rhythm speaks to me inwardly and I feel the side to side motion in unison with the sound. Back and forth, back and forth, and I drift...

The dipping sun silhouettes the ancient oak. A sparrow launches itself from a limb to find shelter in the coming darkness. A solitary leaf releases its hold and begins the slow descent to the ground. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, and I drift...

What visions are ignited and nourished as I sit here with my memories, tickling the deck with my toes and swaying to the invitation of my heart to come and remember. I sip my cool lemonade and smile as the images play in my mind's eye.

Who could guess the therapeutic value of the porch swing? Back and forth, back and forth, and I drift...

Blog In, Blog Out

Politics, religion, 'the' environment, crime, domestic violence... (taking a breath)... civil rights, immigration, veterans' affairs, wars, famine, disease, natural disasters... I'm sorry. I can't go on.
So many soap boxes, so little time.

It's no wonder we're a country divided unto itself. It's true that we have 'certain inalienable rights' among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Nowhere is it written that we will be happy. It just says we can pursue it. What with all the bickering and inner circle dialog, it is amazing anything gets done.

We should, however, tread lightly with our sense of entitlement. For where one is entitled, another is encroached upon. It always was and always will be that way.

So as we trudge in our journeys in our hot pursuit, it would be wise to consider adding another phrase to our well, thought-out plan of attack on the fabric of society. How about we include that old fashioned idea? Yes, you know the one... Truth, justice and the American way.

Sorry... I got crazy for a minute. How thoughtless of me. As you were... Carry on.

Blah, Blah, Blog...

Sunday, April 26, 2009



Sometimes expressive, sometimes meaningless tools of communication, we use them as if we own them. Do we really? Or do they own us?

Are we really in commnad of our lives because we have them? Or is it our inability to find the proper ones many times that complicate our lives?

I find, for me, that the words are just that, words. It's the feelings involved surrounding them that trip me up. I find feelings so much more difficult to define. After all, we have Webster to find definitions of words. But where is the dictionary for feelings?

One feeling hides behind another until the original one is lost in some massive feelings traffic jam. And then I'm left confused as the words, all the words I've ever known, hover and swirl in a deadly spiral whisking me away and making me feel as though I might want to change my name to Dorothy.

And then I land with a houseful of feelings on top of me and realize... ooops, I may want to rethink that name change.

Words... More often than not lately, I am left speechless. That's not easy to imagine if you know me. I was so painfully shy for so very long. And then one day (it seemed like overnight) I began talking and I haven't stopped since. I empathize with those around me many times. I have come to notice there are those times when I wish I would stay quiet and just listen more. But do I do that? Nooooooooo! What to do, what do to....

And then I find myself opening an email. And inside is the most loving expression of words I have ever read. And I am speechless and tearful. I hope some day I can find words like this to move people to the brink of tears. I would then truly know the power in those illusive things we call words. Enjoy. I certainly did.