Monday, February 7, 2011

New Beginnings...

I sit here and look back at the landscape traveled. For me, it is nothing less than awesome. To go from where I was to where I am now could not have been accomplished. All you had to do was ask me - I would have been more than glad to inform you - "You can't get there from here!"

And although Here very much resembles There on the outside, there really is no comparison on the inside. And that is the part that matters the most, I find.

While a hundred posts more or less in this world may not amount to much, for me it has been a roller coaster ride. It has had its glories and its defeats, its charm and wit and its ugliness. I apologize for nothing. I take it all in and realize I am who I am, warts and all.

Early on I wrote about 'things.' Those things lay mostly outside myself. To venture inward was too frightening. I had another site (now defunct) where I poured my poetic self out and did other small things. But never would I reveal any of my inner feelings. Over time that changed.

The first 'real' post was about a bird in a planter. I found myself mesmerized as the story was told to me and I wrote it out. I published it on a blog I had at a local newspaper. You won't find it here. But that was the true beginning of everything that has followed.

Today I bid you a fond farewell. I thank you all for your kindness and gentleness with me. Your encouragement has led me to other things now. For that I am grateful beyond words.

This blog has afforded me the luxury of becoming a better person. Some will argue that point. That is your choice.

But make no mistake... you have not heard the last from me yet. It just won't be here. Thank you for your unending encouragement and prodding. Thank you for all the comments and emails. Truly none of this could have been done without you.

And so true to form... I leave you as we began... with a bird in a planter... A reminder that you can begin anywhere you are and become something fabulous!!!

I Love You All...