Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Weddings R Us

I just don't get it. What's all the brouhaha about?

Prince William got married. Whoop-dee-doo!

"But he's ROYALTY!" you exclaim.

Really? I hadn't noticed. You see, I'm over here in Whoville polishing my own crown. Oh, I may not live in a palace and have servants at my command. Nor will I ever see the flash of cameras in my face due to my notoriety. And the fairy tale? Exactly! It's a fairy tale.

Where are the cameras for the kids down the street who just got married? They don't have a pot to... well, you know the saying. And maybe their cake came from the local supermarket and the bride's dress was a hand-me-down. I am certain there was no horse-drawn carriage. I think they might have arrived in a 1992 Taurus. And the wedding portraits? Probably taken by family members. Does that make their wedding any less relevant?

It seems to me that the same vows were exchanged in front of God and witnesses. And for all the hoo-ha surrounding the 'royal' wedding (not to mention the expense that could perhaps feed a small country for weeks, maybe years), the kids are just as married as the 'royal' couple.

It is only humankind that makes one more valuable than the other. Self-proclaimed royal standing can be a double-edged sword. "But it's their lineage," you say. Really? We all need to go back in our own histories and seek royal standing. I am certain we can find it.

I see you roll your eyes. What do I know anyway?

This I know...

When I was conceived I was not the whim of a careless Creator. Of all the billions of humans who have ever lived, are living and who will ever live, I am unique. There is no one like me.

I am more precious than silver or gold or any title that man could give me. I am fearfully and wonderfully made by a Loving God who lifts AND carries my burdens and then comforts me in the darkest of nights.

I am a living, breathing miracle... A Child of God. I claim this title because He told me I could. And if I believe this of myself, then I have to believe those kids down the street are equally important to God as well. And yes, the newly married William and Kate too.

I have no quarrels with the royal family. I respect their positions as leaders of their country. I just don't buy into the "royal' image that is being shoved down our throats over it. It was a wedding, period. I wish them well.

The way the media spins its tales, I'm thinking the kids down the street have a better chance of hanging in there for the long haul. And when exactly was it that the lives of people we don't know and never will know are public domain? Have we digressed so much as a species that our own lives are of little or no importance in comparison to those of celebrity? And we have to live extraneously through our televisions and computer screens to visually eavesdrop on others? Downright nosy if you ask me. And no, you didn't! Well, enough of that. I'm probably just miffed that I didn't get an invitation. So as you see, I made my own!

For now I need to go... I left that crown sitting over there on the table. It won't polish itself, you know. Oh yeah... and Congratulations to the kids down the street. May you be blessed.

(I chose this picture because this is what it's all about... the look of love passed between two people.)