Dear Mr. President:
What is it exactly that disgusts you so much about America? As the leader of the greatest country in the free world it would seem to me that you would exhibit some pride and respect when it comes to our national symbol, The Flag. But then perhaps I expect too much.
I come from a generation of flag wavers. I could recite the Pledge of Allegiance by the time I was three years old. And although I couldn't walk due to physical ailments, I still sat proud and saluted the flag in the only way a child can - fervently, perhaps sloppily, but all with a huge smile on my face.
When I finally went to school I stood proud each morning and put my hand over my heart and chimed in with the rest of the class as we said the Pledge. There was no concern over whether we 'should' or 'should not.' Oh my God, that wasn't even an option! There was no one to 'offend' and people were not only proud to live here, they were glad as well.
I understand if you feel awkward about actually saluting the flag. That would require prior military service to do it properly and you really shouldn't embarrass yourself if you don't know how. But I think most Americans would forgive a wrong gesture if it was done with pure intentions.
Folded hands hanging pathetically in front of you as you gaze off into space does not constitute a "Pledge" of any kind as far as I'm concerned. You could have at least acknowledged the Flag.
I have discovered, however, that you do acknowledge other flags. Finding this coming from your White House was not exactly what I was looking for, but it wasn't surprising either. It should serve as a dire warning to all freedom lovers. It's those double standards that I have always had such a hard time with. How can it be appropriate to recognize flags from other countries yet deny your own? Don't answer me. Answer yourself.
Your administration has done more to harm the American fabric of patriotism than any other. Liberties are being maliciously stripped away in a systematic move toward a society with no rights. I, for one, will not stand for it.
And so on this day, Flag Day, June 14, 2010, being unsure that you will step up to the plate and honor our beloved flag, Mr. President, I will once again assume the role of flag waver and ask anyone who wishes to join me to recite the Pledge of Allegiance - Out Loud and Proud! Because she was formed by the Grace of God and stands as a symbol of freedom and a beacon of hope to those who wish to be free from tyranny.
Stand tall, either salute or put your hand over your heart, stare directly at those star and stripes and always remember the price that was paid in her defense. She is A Grand Old Flag - deserving of respect and honor.
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and
to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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