Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day Observed

It's a day of remembrance, a day of honor, a day of integrity. I wonder sometimes though. Is it really?

Memorial Day has always been the line of demarcation between Spring and Summer, but it was never intended as being the priority. It was supposed to be the honoring of those who gave their lives in sacrifice to keep this country free. But somehow the meaning has been watered down and nearly lost.

Standing and saluting the flag at local parades seems to be something reserved for only those who have served. I believe it should be taught and re-taught in schools across the land. But with all the controversy over the Pledge of Allegiance, national pride is more an option than a priority. It's as if the flood of political correctness has killed off the spirit of patriotism that is alive in any country a person may visit... but not here any more. We wouldn't want anyone to be 'offended.'

We if that's the way you think, I feel sorry for you. Yes, as a free speech nation, I support your right to your opinion. Do or say anything you please. But please do not be misled into thinking that I will sit silenced for fear of offending you. I, too, have an opinion.

Countless lives were given for you to have the right to party hardy and disregard the true meaning of a national holiday intended to honor the dead. So you go play in the sand and sun and have your burgers and wieners. Kick off your summer in spades and allow yourself the opportunity and the mindset to believe that you can cause me to be mute. But I warn you... it won't work.

I am a dyed in the wool American Patriot. I bleed red, white and blue. I hurt for every person, living or dead, who has seen the suffering of war. I pray for their families to be healed from the physical and mental issues that they have been burdened with. I honor their service, salute MY flag and shed tears when I hear the National Anthem or Taps. Because you see, that is MY right.

You go have your fun. I will observe this day as it is meant to be observed. I will bow my head more than one time and thank God that I live in the greatest country, the freest country on earth. I will honor those I know personally and thank them for their service.

And I will pray for you too. I will ask God to help you to see the significance of this day and to soften your heart so that, one day, you too may realize the price that was paid for your right to indulge in whatever practices you care to observe. Have a Great and Safe Memorial Day weekend. And... just once, out of respect, bow your head and remember.