Friday, October 30, 2009

Well, here we are at Halloween. The year is almost gone already. Soon the Holidays will be here as we rush headlong for the grand finale bringing the year to a screeching halt by the coming of the New Year.

As life goes, it's been a good year so far. It hasn't been without its difficulties. OMG, no! But it's just one more step in the journey I call My Life.

Friendships have been forged and solidified. Great accomplishments have been endeavored. And the closeness and love of friends has made the trip worthwhile in the absence of family. So I had this great...

Why not bring you all together in one place? Right here where you all go anyway. (OMG, at least I hope you go here sometimes hahaha.)

I was thinking at the beginning that I would have a contest. But then I realized two things. I don't have any prize to give away. And besides... It would mean I'd have to make a choice. Well... I couldn't have that! So I decided to have a party instead. And here we all are - dressed up for the occasion.

My idea is this... Age has its benefits. So the first entry is determined by age. The rest are alphabetical leaving the process up to fate.

Have I told you this lately?

Jayzlyn, as mentioned in a previous post, is my friend's granddaughter. I just love her eyes. They seem to look directly into my soul.

And seeing Blogger is giving me A LOT of trouble, I have to break down its size... I just lost 5 hours work. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To be continued......