Friday, October 30, 2009

There is one friend who is very obvious by his absence... Barney. I miss him so much. But when I lay in the night and think of him, (especially when there's a full moon) it's almost like I can hear him whispering in my ear and comforting me.

Speaking of the moon....

But don't think for a minute that you get to have all the fun of playing dressup! No sir! For many years I've been a big fan of Halloween grasping every chance to 'become' something or someone else for a day. Although I must say... this photo manipulating stuff is quite incredible!!! So we may as well get the OMG one out of the way right off hahahaha...

I make a cute little boy huh?

Now I want you to notice the perfect 45 degree tilt of the head. I get treats, right?

Don't ask... LOL

And of course the traditional view...

What? You didn't expect the witch to show up? That's my nature... ***cackle, cackle, cackle***... Flying off now... until next year.... Don't worry, I don't drink and fly because this could happen.

And I'll be extra careful of falling houses too... just in case.

Oh yes... and one more thing.....