Sunday, July 19, 2009

Barney Da King

Anyone who has ever had a cat know that they rule and they let you live in their house IF you behave.


My story today is about the gift of words. I joined a church not long after I got Barney. It was a Pentecostal church. I called it my 'git down' church. Having grown up Catholic, this church was quite a change from all the ritual standing and kneeling. As the choir and congregation sang, I felt for once like I truly belonged.


During my time there God saw fit to gift me with melodies to accompany the words of some poems I had written. I have no gift for music whatsoever. I play no instrument, and I can't sing. "Who but God would have that kind of sense of humor to give the gift of melody to a person who can't sing?" I thought.

I practiced my new melodies and words with my only audience... Barney. He made it plain to me that he did NOT like it one whit. His ears would flatten and he would struggle to get away from me as I would sing my heart out.


I knew it was wrong and possibly borderline abusive... LOL So one night I asked God to give me the words for a little ditty about Barney. Maybe that would change his mind if the song was about him. By the next afternoon I had come up with a little tune and a few words. OK, time to practice! Where is that cat?


I swear, it was like he knew! But I was determined and found him anyway. I rolled him over on his back and sang the little song to him. For a while I had called him B-Boy, but it never stuck. the names interchanged all the time between Barney, Bubba, Pookie and various other little names I would be ashamed to print here for the times when he would miss the litter box or I would find him curled up in the sink when I was in a hurry.


So I sang the new tune to him with the same old results... he was NOT impressed. I don't know... sounded pretty good to me, but what do I know?


While he was still lucid last weekend, I tortured him one last time with that song, and, of course, Happy Birthday, seeing he was going to miss it this year. But then I suppose there's a BIG party planned up there in Heaven this year for him.




See you are ll my friends, all things should be equal (hehe), I discovered something today that I guess I have known forever. My mother used to say that where there's a will there's a way. I mangled that over the years into where there's a will, there's a relative. But today I realized that the problem really is merely a solution in disguise.


I spent most of the day trying to figure out how to get an audio file into my blog. some didn't work. And most were too complicated for this silly little person to figure out.


Well... this new computer of mine has this dandy feature that makes movies. I thought... I can do that!!! Suuuure I can... hahahaha


HOURS of trying and not liking it or getting the music to work... OMG... it's not as simple as they claim... well... I finally figured something out. TADA!!! Here it is. My first (and probably ONLY) YouTube video in memory of my sweet Barney.


BUT... you can only watch it if you promise to laugh LOL. If you don't, the you're no friend of mine. It is not necessary to flatten your ears though... Although applause would be nice LOL.

(It's in the sidebar to the right.)


... to be continued...